Symposium sur la sécurité des technologies de l'information et des communications

Conférence francophone sur le thème de la sécurité de l'information.
Elle a eu lieu à Rennes du 2 au 4 juin 2021.

Runtime Security with eBPFGuillaume Fournier, Sylvain Afchain, Sylvain Baubeau

Date : 04 June 2021 à 09:45 — 30 min.

According to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, container usage in production has increased by 300% between 2016 and 2020. In other words, organizations are progressively moving away from static and dedicated infrastructures, and shifting towards micro-services and containerized workloads. Container orchestration tools like Kubernetes are playing a key role in this trend, and security teams need to adapt their threat models and runtime detection capabilities to account for an infrastructure that is constantly changing.

One of the goals of a container orchestration tool like Kubernetes is to improve the usage of the resources available to a cluster. More specifically, this means making sure that CPUs, memory and network bandwidth are better utilized and distributed among the services running on a cluster. In order to achieve this goal, Kubernetes is able to mutate the infrastructure continuously so that workloads are better distributed among the hosts of the cluster, thus making sure that one machine is not saturated when another one can help share the load. From a security standpoint, this means that multiple services can now run side by side at any point in time, sharing the same kernel, and increasing dramatically the blast radius in case of a compromise. Not only does it blow up the impact of an intrusion, this also makes the life of the incident response team much harder, especially if the runtime monitoring tool that detected the attack did not provide accurate and real time information about the containers and the applications that were breached.

This paper proposes to explore eBPF to implement a new generation of runtime security tools, showing how this new technology can be used to retrieve complex container and application level context. Although containers are a particularly interesting use case for the solution we implemented, we will also demonstrate how eBPF drastically improves the legacy runtime security tools that are used in production environments today by reducing the performance impact on the host, improving the signal to noise ratio, and helping incident response team focus on what matters.